Call for Abstracts – Deadline Extended to 20th May
19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (19th ICSMGE) – Unearth the Future, Connect Beyond
Seoul, Republic of Korea, 17 to 22 September 2017
The 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (19th ICSMGE) will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from September 17 to 22, 2017. The theme of the 19th ICSMGE is Unearth the Future, Connect Beyond. It has the aspiration to bridge the gaps between past and future, between young and senior engineers, and between developing and developed nations among others.
The 19th ICSMGE conference website is at which provides more detail and background.
BGA members are invited to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion as papers in the conference, under one of six principal topics:
- Topic 1: Laboratory Testing and Modelling
- Topic 2: Small and Large Works
- Topic 3: Natural Hazards
- Topic 4: Environmental Preservation and Sustainable Development
- Topic 5: Geotechnical Cultures and Responsibilities
- Topic 6: Future Technological Innovation.
Timetable for abstracts and papers
- Abstracts should be submitted (to the BGA, not directly to the conference) by 20 May 2016.
- Following review of abstracts, successful authors will be notified in July 2016 and invited to submit a paper.
- Complete papers are due to be submitted by January 2017.
Procedure for submitting abstracts
- Abstracts should be submitted by email to the BGA at .
- Abstracts should be submitted on the abstract submission form which can be found at below.
- Abstracts must be a maximum of 250 words and should be submitted in both English and French.
- Abstract submissions must include abstract title, author(s) name(s), affiliations, addresses and contact number, and email address of the corresponding author.
- Abstracts should clearly state: Objectives (or backgrounds), Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
- Abstracts should state the Topic and Sub-Topic (see ) to which they apply.
- Abstracts should state the three ISSMGE Technical Committees (see to which they apply).
Abstracts received after the deadline above will not be considered.
Download: 19th ICSMGE – Call for Abtracts Feb 2016
Download: 19th ICSMGE_Abstract Submission Form