14.05.2015 | 17:00-19:00

BTSYM / BGAECG Meeting: Groundwater Control Techniques

Past event: Please note this event information is displayed for informational purposes only.


Thursday 14th May 2015 at 6.00pm BTS Young Members / BGA Early Career Group meeting

The Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Lecture Theatre
One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA


Speaker: Dr Martin Preene – Preene Groundwater Consulting

Groundwater is an almost universal problem in tunnelling and shaft sinking. If not adequately controlled and managed during construction it can cause a range of geotechnical problems,
including running sands, excessive ground loss and base heave in shafts, resulting in additional costs and time delays. However, with good planning, design and execution, tunnelling projects can be successfully and efficiently carried out even in very challenging groundwater conditions.

This presentation provides a background to the more commonly used methods of groundwater control and dewatering, and includes a review of the techniques used for groundwater control by pumping (sump pumping, wellpoints, deep wells, ejector wells) and for groundwater control by exclusion (cut-off walls, grouting, artificial ground freezing). Particular applications and challenges of groundwater control for tunnels are discussed.

Download the BTSYM – 14 May Talk Flyer

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