Wednesday 7th December at 6.30pm
Telford Theatre, Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
Many congratulations to the three finalists:
Crag End Landslip: Volker Stevin, Atkins, Northumberland County Council, Keller
Crossrail C300 & C410 Compensation Grouting: Crossrail, BAM Ferrovial Kier JV, Keller BAM Ritchies JV
Farnley Haugh Emergency Works: Renewals Collaborative Delivery Partnership (RCDP) – Network Rail, CML, Aecom
While the judges deliberate the keynote lecture will be given by
Tony O’Brien, Mott MacDonald
Geotechnical Characterisation: Recent Developments and Applications
while the judges deliberate
A good understanding of ground behaviour is a fundamental requirement for geotechnical design and construction. Conventional ground investigation practice tends to focus on the measurement of basic index and strength properties. Numerical modelling (e.g. finite element and finite difference) techniques have developed rapidly in the last decade or so, and are now increasingly used for design and for assessing interaction effects between new and existing structures.
For the potential benefits of numerical modelling to be realised, it is necessary to obtain reliable data on the ground’s stress-strain properties, not just strength. Hence, when planning ground investigations it is important to focus on how best to determine the ground’s deformation characteristics. The benefits of an integrated approach which utilises both laboratory and in-situ testing will be outlined; however, despite advances in ground characterisation, some knowledge gaps will be inevitable. Fragmented procurement processes can lead to inadequate investigations and this may be an increasing trend. For geotechnical practice in the future what are the options to counteract this adverse trend and optimise the quality of ground investigation?
Cementation Skanska will host drinks and nibbles after the winner has been announced.
Download: fleming-final-bga-flyer-2016
Booking for this event is now open at: