Headlines and Deadlines
ECG Event: ICE Professional Reviews for Geotechnical Engineers – Monday 9 February 2015
BGA/EGGS evening lecture – Rammed Earth: Wednesday 11 February 2015
ICE Conference – Engineering Underground Space 2015 – Innovating Infrastructure – Wednesday 18 February 2015
Cooling Prize – final presentations evening at University of Southampton – Tuesday 3 March 2015
Keynote lectures announced for ECSMGE in Edinburgh: 13-15 September 2015
Past Events
MISSED IT? | 13 January | John Mitchell Award Lecture | View recording at http://www.ice.org.uk/Events-conferences/Recorded-lectures BUT you will need to access it using your ICE or BGA log-in |
Nominations for committee membership 2015-2018
NEW! | 13 April 2015 | Election of committee members 2015
The BGA functions only with the commitment of its members and their willingness to give active support to our activities. Nine of our Executive Committee are directly elected by the BGA membership to hold office for three years, so there are three vacancies to fill each year. Nominations are now being invited to stand for election this year. The term of office will be from June 2015 to June 2018. Further details of the requirements for nomination are available on the website. |
Upcoming Events
9 February 2015 – 1800 hours | Early Career group Members Event | ICE Professional Reviews for Geotechnical Engineers: Guidance by Mike Rogers, Professional Development Manager, ICE, and David Beadman, Directory Byrne Looby Partners; at WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1AF. Contact joseph.murphy@tonygee.com for further information and registration. | |
booking open | 11 February | BGA/EGGS Joint Evening Lecture | Peter Walker of the University of Bath will talk about “Rammed earth: a beautiful and sustainable construction material”. Book online at http://www.ice.org.uk/Event?ID=3213. |
Watch online | If you are unable to attend in person, watch online at https://ice-org.webex.com/ice-org/onstage/BGA-EGGS event on Rammed Earth | ||
Booking now open | 18 February 2015 | ICE Conference – Engineering Underground Space 2015 – Innovating Infrastructure | Chaired by Prof Robert Mair. Discount available for BGA members. Full details and registration at: http://www.ice-conferences.com/ice-engineering-underground-space/ |
18 March 2015 afternoon | Pre-Rankine workshop | “Tunnelling in London: Lessons learnt from Crossrail” At Imperial College – full details available shortly. | |
18 March 2015 17: 30 hours | Rankine Lecture 2015 | Dr Suzanne Lacasse (NGI) on “Hazxard, Riskl and Reliability in Geotechnical Practice”; Imperial College; no advance registration but arrive in good time as places at a premium; tea at 17:00 hours. | |
18 March 2015 19: 30 hours | Rankine Dinner 2015 | Tickets now on sale at £85 per person; a maximum of 2 tables of 10 places may be purchased. No provisional bookings accepted and tickets sold strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. Credit card payments only. Book online at http://www.ice.org.uk/Event?ID=3171 from Wednesday 14th January. | |
New – RoGEP | 5 May 2015 | Next application submission date | Achieve RoGEP accreditation and join over 200 ground professionals – see BGA website for full details and latest RoGEP update. |
10 June 2015 | GE Awards Event | London Hilton Hotel, Park Lane: contact George Thornton on +44 (0) 20 7391 4530 or george.thornton@emap.com to submit entries; full details at www.geawards.com; £150 per table discount for BGA members. | |
10-11 September 2015 | Int’l Symposium on Geohazards & Geomechanics | Warwick University – abstracts due 1st February 2015. Full details at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/news/?newsItem=094d434549f0dad4014a3dc5a4b218ed |
Young Engineers
9 February 2015 – 1800 hours | Early Career group Members Event | ICE Professional Reviews for Geotechnical Engineers: Guidance by Mike Rogers, Professional Development Manager, ICE, and David Beadman, Directory Byrne Looby Partners; at WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1AF. Contact joseph.murphy@tonygee.com for further information and registration. | |
NEW – shortlist announced | 3March 2015 | Cooling Prize Presentations at Southampton University | High quality entries made Review Panel’s task extremely difficult but finally they selected::
1) Letitia Rorke of Southampton University: “The effects of suction and principal stress rotation on the stiffness of a railway formation “ 2) Georgios Katsigiannis of Arup – “HYD Verifications Using Numerical Methods” 3) William Beuckelaers – “Fatigue life calculation of monopiles for offshore wind turbines using a kinematic hardening soil model” |
ICE Textbooks | for undergraduates | ICE Textbooks have been created as concise introductions to provide undergraduates with clear, accurate, and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering.
First in a series of 12:
For further information please visit www.icetextbooks.com. |
International Matters
ISRM | 12-13 March 2015 | VIETROCK 2015 | Hanoi, Vietnam; see http://www.vietrocknet.org/ for further information |
31 March 2015 | 2015 Stanford Online Geomechanics Course | Mark Zoback, immediate past president of ARMA and professor of earth science and geophysics at Stanford University, will again present his reservoir geomechanics class online starting on 31 March 2015 via Stanford Online. The course is free but online registration is essential – further information at https://class.stanford.edu/courses/EarthSciences/ResGeo202/Spring2015/about | |
1-2 May 2015 | ISP7-PRESSIO 2015 | The International Symposium for the 60th Anniversary of the pressuremeter “ISP7” organised by the Tunisian Association of Soil Mechanics (ATMS) as part of the 16th ARCSMGE from 27-30 April 2015 in Hammamet, Tunisia. full details at www.cramsg2015.org | |
ISRM | 10-13 May 2015 | ISRM Congress | Montreal, Canada – full details at www.isrm2015.com |
ISRM | 12 May 2015 | In conjunction with
ISRM Congress in Montreal |
Shale and Rock Mechanics Workshop, as Applied to Slopes, Tunnels, Mines and Hydrocarbon Extraction. Details at www.isrm2015.com |
4-6 June 2015 | 2nd Int’l Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring | “Castle of Poppi,” Tuscany, Italy. Run by John Dunnicliff, Consulting Engineer; 10% discount for BGA members. For more information, visit: www.geotechnicalmonitoring.com contact:secretariat@geotechnicalmonitoring.com; | |
10 –12 June 2015 | 3rd Int’l Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics | Oslo, Norway: Symposium under auspices of TC209 – full details at www.isfog2015.no – will also host ISSMGE Third McLelland Honor Lecture to be given by Knut H. Andersen. | |
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS | 15 June 2015 | 2nd Int’l Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy | 3-5 November 2015 – Brussels: under the auspices of EAGE. |
14-16 June 2015 | 3rd Int’l Conf on the Flat Dilatometer DMT | Under the auspices of TC 102/ISSMGE – in Rome; see BGA website or http://www.issmge.org/en/conferences-and-events/conferences-issmge/eventdetail/560/-/3rd-international-conference-on-the-flat-dilatometer-dmt15 ) for further information | |
28 June – 1 July 2015 | 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium | Westin St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA; full information from Peter Smeallie at smeallie@verizon.net or visit www.armasymposium.org | |
ISRM | 7-10 October 2015 | EUROCK 2015 | ISRM Regional Symposium and 64th Geomechanics Colloquium in Saltzburg, Austria; see www.EUROCK2015.com |
13-15 October 2015 | 5th Int’l Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk | Rotterdam, Netherlands; full details and preliminary programme at isgsr2015.org | |
2– 4November 2015 | Mini-Symposia:6ICEGE | Christchurch, New Zealand; full details at http://www.6icege.com/ and suggestions to brendon.bradley@canterbury.ac.nz | |
2– 4November 2015 | 6ICEGE
6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering – Christchurch, New Zealand. | |
3-5 November 2015 | 2nd Int’l Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy | Brussels: under the auspices of EAGE. | |
15 to 18 November 2015 | 6th IS-TC 101: Deformation Characteristics of Soils | Buenos Aires: Conference organized in parallel with Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators engaged in understanding the deformation properties of geomaterials before failure, and the small strain parameters as fundamental characteristics of geomaterials. Visit http://conferencesba2015.com.ar/ | |
26, 27 & 28 November 2015 | Albanian Geotechnical Society (AGS) | Tirana, Albania. International Conference on: Geo-Environment and Construction – see BGA website | |
NEW! ISRM | 31 December 2015 | Rocha Medal 2017 | Nominations invited – see BGA website for further information |
Latest bulletin | ISSMGE | http://www.issmge.org/en/resources/issmge-bulletin/680-vol-8-issue-6-december-2014 |
ISSMGE | Webinar series launched – appx every 2 months ,.usually towards the end of or beginning of the month – see BGA website for information. | ||
9th Newsletter | ISSMGE – TC211
Ground Improvement |
See BGA Website; topics covered are:
– nomination of the TC members by the Member Societies – International Symposium ISP7 PRESSIO 2015 – organization of WORKSHOP TC211 in Edinburgh (September 2015) – recent and upcoming events and activities related to TC211 |
Launch of Journal – first papers published January 2015 | Editors in Chief: Tomasz Hueckel and Lyesse Laloui | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment | Publishing high quality research results of lasting importance on geomechanics, focussing on applications to geological energy production and storage, and the interaction of soils and rocks with the natural and engineered environment. Detailed instructions of how to prepare manuscripts at http://www.elsevier.com/journals/geomechanics-for-energy-and-the-environment/2352-3808/guide-for-authors |
ECSMGE XVI – EDINBURGH: 13 – 15September 2015:
7 months to go! | 16th European Conf on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering | The three Keynote Lecturers have appointed as have the six Invited Lecturers. A draft technical programme is available on the website and Registration is Now Open. http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/ |
Paper submission | The deadline for papers submission is closed and we have a record number of 700 papers submitted. The review process is now well underway and authors are beginning to receive feedback. Do not be concerned if you have not done so as yet – it is in hand. | |
Keep up to date with developments! | LinkedIn Group set-up | Receive all the latest news on this important event (all are welcome): |
opportunities still available | Exhibition & Sponsorship | Brochure at http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/?page_id=434
Bookings at http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/?page_id=52 |