The Geological Society of London is running a 2-day meeting (20-21st May 2015) on “Sustainable exploitation of the subsurface”.
Further details is available on their webpage.
The Meeting has a number of high profile international Keynote speakers (Iain Stewart (University Plymouth), Nick O’Riordan (Arup), Han Admiraal (ITACUS), Prof Chris Rogers (University of Birmingham), as well as being opened by Sir Mark Walport (UK Government Chief Scientist).
The meeting will take the form of:
Day 1 – 20th May 2015
Introduction & Welcome
Session 1: Subsurface investigation
Session 2: Regulation & planning
Day 2 – 21st May 2015
Session 3: Sustainable management of subsurface resource
Session 4: Decommissioning/Reuse of space
Session 5: Construction & Design
Each session will be chaired and opened by leading International or UK invited Keynote (30-40 mins). Then a number of selected talks (10-15 mins) from the abstracts submitted to the workshop will be presented.