
2021 BGA Medal Winning Paper announced

The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 BGA Medal has been awarded to the paper “Evolution of surface roughness of single sand grains with normal loading” by Ting Yao, Beatrice Baudet, Sergio Lourenço of Chinese Academy of Sciences, University College London and The University of Hong Kong

2021 BGA Medal Winning Paper announced

The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 BGA Medal has been awarded to the paper “Evolution of surface roughness of single sand grains with normal loading” by Ting Yao, Beatrice Baudet, Sergio Lourenço of Chinese Academy of Sciences, University College London and The University of Hong Kong.

The full reference for the paper is:

T.Yao, B.Baudet, S.Lourenço (2022) Evolution of surface roughness of single sand grains with normal loading. Géotechnique 72, No. 6, 543–555 [https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.20.P.310]

The paper can be accessed via the ICE Virtual Library here.

There were huge total of fifteen entries to the competition this year and all were of exceptionally high standard, making the selection of the winner by the prizes sub-committee a long and difficult task.

The Judges highlighted how the paper focused on the evolution of sand particle surface roughness under the effects of 1-D compression. The study offers insight to the how surface roughness may decrease or increase depending on the magnitude of the applied loading and its effect on the asperities and the bulk. Very interesting work and genuinely thought provoking.

The BGA Medal is awarded annually (each calendar year) by the BGA to a paper substantially authored by a BGA member or BGA members published in an international journal and from BGA, ISSMGE and ISRM conferences, and submitted for consideration of the award.

Beatrice Baudet (on behalf of the authors) receiving the 2021 BGA Medal from BGA Chair Professor David Toll

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