- The BGA Knowledge Support Fund is open to all members and is associated with excellence, we only ask that you are passionate about geotechnical engineering. You may apply for funds to assist with your education (apprenticeships or university), in the early stages of your career or later in your career. Examples of where the funding can be used include research activities, books, training courses, equipment for educational purposes, as well as conference/field trip attendance. Priority will be given to those with limited alternative sources of funding. Applications are particularly encouraged from members who are at an early stage of their career or want to further their basic understanding in the field of geotechnics.
- Am I eligible?
You must be a Student Member or Individual Member of the BGA.
You must have a background in, or be studying (through university or an apprenticeship), geotechnics or a cognate discipline (e.g. civil engineering, geoscience, laboratory testing, site investigation), and keen interest in furthering your knowledge in the field of geotechnical engineering.
If studying, applications may be made either before or during the period of study or the apprenticeship.
You may not receive more than two awards from the BGA Knowledge Support Fund. If you are a previous award recipient there must be a lapse of one year before applying again. - When can I apply?
Applications can be submitted to the BGA at any time. - How do I apply?
Fill in the online form on this webpage.
You will need to provide contact email details for a sponsor. Sponsors can be your current employer, your course tutor or a full member of the BGA (excluding current Executive Committee members and Honorary Officers). The BGA will contact them and ask them to complete a Sponsor form. - How are successful applicants chosen?
All applications are reviewed by the BGA Honorary Treasurer. The BGA Honorary Treasurer will pass on their recommendations to the BGA Chair and Vice-Chair who also review the applications. All decisions on successful applications are then agreed with the BGA Executive Committee.
The judging considers the following:
Academic merit
Likely future relevance to the profession
Benefit of proposed funding
Financial situation
Assessment of Sponsor’s statement.
The BGA Executive Committee’s decision is final, and feedback will not be given - When will I know the result of my application?
The result will be provided in a response letter sent via email and will be sent to the applicant within three months of the application being submitted. - What happens if I am successful?
If you are successful, funding can be claimed via submitting expenses. Expenses can be claimed via the expense claim form alongside the provision of proof of purchase. The expense form will be sent to you via email. Expenses are generally reimbursed within one week of approval.
Successful applicants are required to produce a short testimonial within six months of the award. This may be used by the BGA to promote the Award.
In addition, any publications arising from the award, whether wholly or in part, should acknowledge the BGA’s support. This includes on-line publications, such as conference websites.