- The award is open to papers from members and non-members of the BGA and may be given to a single author or multiple collaborating authors. However, a submission must be made by a BGA or ICE member, but they need not be an author of the paper.
- Consideration for the award will include assessment of ground conditions relevant to the performance of the constructed works, description of project design and/or back-analysis undertaken, description of construction and performance of the works. Application to future projects including recommendations for improved future design, construction and/or maintenance practices will also be considered.
- Preference will be placed on peer reviewed paper(s) published in an appropriate journal and/or in conference proceedings within a five-year period before the award submission closing date each year.
- Papers previously submitted for this award will not be accepted.
- The papers will be judged by a sub-group of the BGA Executive Committee. They will give recommendations to the full Committee who will then make the final decision. If the BGA Executive Committee is of the opinion that none of the papers submitted is worthy of the award then no award will be made. The award will be made at a conference or meeting of the BGA.
- All authors shall receive a certificate in recognition of their achievement.