BGA Medal

The British Geotechnical Association Medal is awarded annually (each calendar year) to a paper written by a BGA member (or members) for “meritorious contributions to geotechnical science or practice”.

The award is based on the best paper (authored or co-authored by a BGA member) published in an international journal and from BGA, ISSMGE and ISRM conferences, and submitted for consideration of the award.

This award began in 1958 and was originally awarded as The British National Society for Soil Mechanics Prize in the years 1958–1962, and as the BGS Prize (and later the BGA Prize) thereafter until 2008, when it became the BGA Medal.

The call for submissions is now closed. Submissions closed on 31 January 2025.

Information for BGA Medal submissions

  • Eligibility and Judging Criteria
    1. The British Geotechnical Association Medal (and certificate) is awarded annually (calendar year) to the best paper written or co-written by one or more BGA members published in an international journal or BGA/ISSMGE/ISRM affiliated conference and submitted for consideration of the award. Text books or industry guidance documents are not eligible for this award.
    2. Where the authors of paper include more than one BGA member a Medal will be awarded to each qualifying BGA author as follows:
      – Authors who are qualifying BGA Members will receive a Medal and Certificate.
      – Authors who are not qualifying BGA Members will receive a Certificate.
      Qualifying BGA members are defined as paid up members on 31 December in the year of the award (i.e. one month before the submission deadline).
    3. Papers must be submitted to the BGA for consideration. There is no short-listing of papers from selected journals.
    4. Only authors/co-authors who are members of the BGA in the year of the award can submit papers for consideration.
    5. Papers will only be accepted once, ie those published online one year may not be resubmitted if published in printed format the following year.
    6. Only one submission from a set of BGA authors/co-authors is allowed. This does not preclude a single author appearing on more than one submission if the other papers are co-authored by different BGA members.
    7. For papers with a combination of BGA and non-BGA co-authors a short statement, signed by at least one of the non-BGA co-authors, outlining the contribution(s) made by the BGA co-authors must accompany the submitted paper.
    8. The papers will be judged by a sub-group of the BGA Executive Committee. They will give recommendations to the full Committee who will then make the final decision.
    9. If the BGA Committee is of the opinion that none of the papers submitted is worthy of the Medal no award will be made.
    10. The medal will be awarded at a conference or meeting of the BGA. The normal practice is for the medal to be awarded at the Annual General Meeting of the BGA in the following year (usually in June).

Latest Winners

YearPaper authorsTitle of winning paper
2023J P de Bono & G R McDowellParticle-scale simulations of the compression and shearing of kaolin clay. Géotechnique, Ahead of Print, Published online: August 2, 2023
  • Previous Winners
    YearPaper authorsTitle of winning paper
    2022K Vinck, T Liu, R J Jardine, S Kontoe, R Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R M Buckley, B W Byrne, J A Lawrence, R A McAdam & F SchranzAdvanced in situ and laboratory characterisation of the ALPACA chalk research site. Géotechnique ahead of print. Published on line 25 April 2022 (open access paper)
    2021T Yao, B Baudet
    & S Lourenço
    Evolution of surface roughness of single sand grains with normal loading. Géotechnique 72, No. 6, 543–555
    2020B W Byrne, G T Houlsby, H J Burd, K G Gavin, D J P Igoe, R J Jardine, C M Martin, R A McAdam, D M Potts, D M G Taborda & L ZdravkovicPISA design model for monopiles for offshore wind turbines: Application to a stiff glacial clay till. Géotechnique 70 (11), 1030–1047 (open access paper)
    2019M S P Wan, J R Standing, D M Potts & J B BurlandPore water pressure and total horizontal stress response to EPBM tunnelling in London Clay. Géotechnique 69 (5), 434–457 (open access paper)
    2018J P de Bono & G R McDowellMicro mechanics of drained and undrained shearing of compacted and overconsolidated crushable sand. Géotechnique 68 (7), 575–589 (open access paper)
    2017O Ajayi, L Le Pen, A Zervos & W PowrieA behavioural framework for fibre-reinforced gravel. Géotechnique, 67 (1), 56–68
    2016A Maheetharan, A Raveendiraraj, O Ousous & R May
    Design of pile configuration for optimum raft performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Engineering, 169, 139-152
    2015P-Q Mo, A M Marshall & H-S YuCentrifuge modelling of cone penetration tests in layered soils. Géotechnique, 65 (6)
    2014A Gasparre, D W Hight, M R Coop & R J JardineThe laboratory measurement and interpretation of the small-strain stiffness of stiff clays. Géotechnique, 64 (12)
    2013S M Springman, A Thielen, P Kienzler, & S FriedelA long-term field study for the investigation of rainfall-induced landslides. Géotechnique, 63 (14), 1177–1193
    2012L Zdravkovic & D PottsAccounting for partial material factors in numerical analysis. Géotechnique, 62 (12), 1053–1065
    2011C Y Cheuk & D J WhiteModelling the dynamic embedment of seabed pipelines. Géotechnique, 61 (1), 39-57
    2010L Zdravkovic & V J PottsFinite-element study of arching behaviour in reinforced fills. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Ground improvement, 163, 217-229
    2009J A Knappett & S P G MadabhushiInfluence of axial load on lateral pile response in liquefiable soils. Part I: physical modelling. Géotechnique, 59 (7), 571-581
    2008S Kontoe, L Zdravkovic, D M Potts & C O MenkitiCase study on seismic tunnel response. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45, 1743-1764
    2007No award
    2006H G PoulosThe use of stiffness inserts in pile groups and piled rafts. Geotechnical Engineering, 169 (3), 153-160
    2005M F Randolph & D J WhiteLimiting cavity depth for spudcan foundations penetrating clay. Géotechnique, 55 (9), 679 – 690. (Jointly written with M S Hossain & Y Hu.)
    2004D J White & M D BoltonDisplacement and strain paths during plane-strain model pile installation in sand. Geotechnique, 54 (6), 375-397.
    2003A Phear, C Warren & D PattersonSustainable chalk fill transfer from Channel Tunnel Rail Link. Geotechnical Engineering, 156 (2), 63-73.
    2002N E Simons, B K Menzies, M C MatthewsGeotechnical Site Investigation. (Textbook)
    2001H G PoulosPiled raft foundations: design and applications. Géotechnique March, 51 (2), 95-113.
    2000P G Fookes & J N HutchinsonTotal geological history: a model approach to the anticipation, observation and understanding of site conditions. GeoEng 2000, An International conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 19-24 November 2000, Melbourne, Australia.
    1999T Cuccovillo & M CoopOn the mechanics of structured sands. Geotechnique, 49 (6), 741-760.
    1998M R Cooper, E N Bromhead, D J Petley & D I GrantThe Selbourne Cutting Stability Experiment. Geotechnique, 48 (1), 83-101.
    1997bC C Hird, D A Russell & R A JewellThe Stability of Single-stage Constructed Reinforced Embankments on Soft Clay. Geotechnical Engineering, 125 (4), 191-205.
    1997aR N Taylor & S E StallebrassThe Development and Evaluation of a Constitutive Model for the Prediction of Ground Movements in Overconsolidated Clay. Geotechnique, 47 (2), 235-253.
    1996P R Vaughan, Tika & L L J LemmosFast Shearing of Pre-existing Shear Zones in Soil. Geotechnique, 46 (2), 197-233.
    1995bS R HencherContributions to Rock Mechanics. Trans IMM, QJEG, & elsewhere.
    1995aR J JardineContributions to Foundation Engineering. Géotechnique, Proc ICE, & elsewhere.
    1994W Powrie & M PreeneContributions to Dewatering in Construction. Proc ICE, Geot. Eng. & elsewhere.
    1993J A CharlesContributions to Engineered Fills. Proc. Conf. Eng. Fills, Newcastle upon Tyne.
    1992D W HightContributions to Bothkennar Soft Clay test site: characterisation and lessons learned. Géotechnique, 42 (2).
    1991J N HutchinsonPeriglacial & slope processes. Quaternary Engineering Geology: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society, Geological Society, London, 283–334.
    1990W H Craig & K ChuaDeep penetration of spud-can foundations on sand and clay. Géotechnique, 40, 541-556.
    1989M R Coop & C P WrothField studies of an instrumented model pile in clay. Géotechnique, 39, 679-696.
    1988R A JewellReinforced soil wall analysis & predicted behaviour of the Royal Military College trial wall. The Application of Polymeric Reinforcement in Soil Retaining Structures. NATO ASI Series. 193-235.
    1987J B Boden & R M C DriscollHouse foundations, a review of the effect of clay soil volume change on design and performance. Mun. Eng. 4, 181-213.
    1986G Price & J B BurlandQueen Elizabeth II Conference Centre – Geotechnical Aspects. Proc ICE Part 1 Design and Construction, 80, 1479-1503. (Jointly written with J C Kalra.)
    1985C P Wroth & G T HoulsbySoil Mechanics property characterisation & analysis procedures. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, San Francisco, August 12-16, Vol. 1.
    1984R J ChandlerRecent European experience of landslides in overconsolidated clays & soft rocks. Proc. IV Int. Symp. on Landslides 1, 61-81.
    1983bG W E MilliganSoil deformations near anchored sheet-pile walls. Géotechnique, 33, 41-55.
    1983aJ A HooperNon-linear analysis of a circular raft on clay. Géotechnique, 33, 1-20.
    1982bA N SchofieldDynamic and earthquake centrifuge modelling. Proc international conference in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics.
    1982aA D M PenmanMaterials & construction methods for embankment dams & cofferdams. International conference on large dams, Rio de Janiero 4, 1105-1228.
    1981dM RandolphThe response of flexible piles to lateral loading. Géotechnique, 31, 247-259.
    1981cM Randolph & C P WrothThe application of the failure state in undrained simple shear to the shaft capacity of driven piles. Géotechnique, 31, 143-157.
    1981bP G FookesEngineering geology of materials for rock armouring.
    1981aK Been & G C SillsSelf weight consolidation of soft soils: an experimental & theoretical study. Géotechnique, 31, 519-535.
    1980bR J MairContributions to soft ground tunnelling. Geotechnique and elsewhere.
    1980aR W Cooke, G Price & K J TarrJacked piles in London Clay: interaction & group behaviour under working conditions. Géotechnique, 30, 97-136.
    1979bC ThorntonThe conditions for failure of a face-centred cubic array of uniform rigid spheres. Géotechnique, 29, 441-459.
    1979aR W Cooke, G Price & K J TarrJacked piles in London Clay: a study of load transfer & settlement under working conditions. Géotechnique, 29, 113-147.
    1978bC P Wroth, D M Wood
    1978aR H G ParryEstimating foundation settlements in sand from plate bearing tests. Géotechnique, 28, 107-118.
    1977A Marsland (& M F Randolph)Comparison of the results from pressuremeter tests & large insitu plate tests in London Clay. Géotechnique, 27, 217-243.
    1976bN B Hobbs (& P Robins)Compression & tension tests on driven piles in Chalk. Géotechnique, 26, 33-46.
    1976aA F L Hyde & S F BrownThe plastic deformation of a silty clay under creep & repeated loading. Géotechnique, 26, 173-184.
    1975J R F Arthur (& A B Phillips)Homogeneous & layered sand in triaxial compression. Géotechnique, 25, 799-815.
    1974J B Burland & C P WrothSettlement of buildings and associated structures. Proc. Conf. Settlement Struct., Cambridge. 611-654.
    1973bP R Vaughan & H J WalbankePore pressure changes & the delayed failure of cutting slopes in overconsolidated clay. Géotechnique, 23, 531-539.
    1973aJ A HooperObservations on the behaviour of a piled raft foundation on London Clay. Proc. I C E. 55, 855-8777.
    1972cK W Cole
    1972bA C PalmerUndrained plain strain expansion of a cylindrical cavity in clay: a simple interpretation of the pressuremeter test. Géotechnique, 22, 451-457.
    1972aL Bjerrum, J K T L Nash, R M Kennard & R E GibsonHydraulic fracturing in field permeability testing. Géotechnique, 22, 319-332.
    1971J B BurlandA method of estimating the pore pressures and displacements beneath embankments on soft clay deposits. Proc Roscoe Mem. Symp., Cambridge. 505-536.
    1970bR G James & P L BransbyExperimental & theoretical investigations of a passive earth pressure problem. Géotechnique, 20, 17-37.
    1970aM J TomlinsonSome effects of pile driving on skin friction. Proc. Conf. Behav. Piles, London. 107-114.pore pressures and displacements beneath embankments on soft clay deposits. Proc Roscoe Mem. Symp., Cambridge. 505-536.
    1969bA W Bishop & Z A Al DhahirSome comparisons between laboratory tests, insitu tests and full scale performance, with special reference to permeability and coefficient of consolidation. Proc. Conf. Insitu Invest. Rocks Soils, London. 251-264.
    1969aA W Skempton & J N HutchinsonStability of natural slopes. Proc. 7th ICSMFE, State of the Art Volume; 291-340.
    1968bR E Gibson & G C SheffordThe efficiency of horizontal drainage layers for accelerating consolidation of clay embankments. Géotechnique, 18, 327-335.
    1968aW H Ward, J B Burland & R W GalloisGeotechnical assessment of a site at Mundford, Norfolk, for a large proton accelerator. Géotechnique, 18, 399-431.
    1967bA D M Penman & G H WatsonFoundations for storage tanks on reclaimed land at Teesmouth. Proc. ICE. 39, 19-42.
    1967aN N Ambrayses & S K SarmaThe response of earth-dams to strong earthquakes. Géotechnique, 17, 181-213.
    1966bI F ChristieThe solution of consolidation problems by general purpose analogue computer. Géotechnique, 16, 131-148.
    1966aT Whitaker & R W CookeAn investigation of the shaft & base resistance of large bored piles in London Clay. Proc. Int. Symp. Large Bored Piles, London. 7-49.
    1965cN Morgenstern & V E PriceThe analysis of the stability of general slip surfaces. Géotechnique, 15, 79-93.
    1965bJ L Knill & K S JonesThe recording & interpretation of geological conditions in the foundations of the Roseires, Kariba and Latiyan Dams. Géotechnique, 15, 94-124.
    1965aP W Rowe & K PeakerPassive earth pressure measurements. Géotechnique, 15, 57-78.
    1964bA W Bishop, M F Kennard & P R VaughanDevelopments in the measurement and interpretation of pore pressures in earth dams. Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Large Dams, Edinburgh. 2; 47-72.
    1964aD H CornforthSome experiments on the influence of strain conditions on the strength of sand. Géotechnique, 14, 143-167.
    1963R E GibsonAn analysis of system flexibility & its effect on time-lag in pore water pressure measurements. Géotechnique, 13, 1-11.
    1962bP LumbThe properties of decomposed granite. Géotechnique, 12, 226-243.
    1962aP W RoweThe stress-dilatancy relation for static equilibrium of an assembly of particles in contact Proc Roy Soc, London; Series A, 269; 500-527.
    1961A W BishopThe measurement of pore pressures in the triaxial test. Conf. Pore Pressure Suction in Soils, London.
    1960bA W Bishop & MorgensternStability coefficients for earth slopes. Géotechnique, 10, 129-150.
    1960aT WhitakerSome experiments on model piled foundations in clay. Proc. Symp. Pile Fndns: 6th Int Congr. Intl. Ass. Br. & Struct. Engng. Stockholm. 124-39.
    1959A W SkemptonCast insitu bored piles in London clay. Géotechnique, 9, 153-173.
    1958K H Roscoe, A N Schofield & C P WrothOn the yielding of soils. Géotechnique, 8, 22-25.

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