2022 | K Vinck, T Liu, R J Jardine, S Kontoe, R Ahmadi-Naghadeh, R M Buckley, B W Byrne, J A Lawrence, R A McAdam & F Schranz | Advanced in situ and laboratory characterisation of the ALPACA chalk research site. Géotechnique ahead of print. Published on line 25 April 2022 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.21.00197 (open access paper) |
2021 | T Yao, B Baudet
& S Lourenço | Evolution of surface roughness of single sand grains with normal loading. Géotechnique 72, No. 6, 543–555 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.20.P.310 |
2020 | B W Byrne, G T Houlsby, H J Burd, K G Gavin, D J P Igoe, R J Jardine, C M Martin, R A McAdam, D M Potts, D M G Taborda & L Zdravkovic | PISA design model for monopiles for offshore wind turbines: Application to a stiff glacial clay till. Géotechnique 70 (11), 1030–1047 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.18.P.255 (open access paper) |
2019 | M S P Wan, J R Standing, D M Potts & J B Burland | Pore water pressure and total horizontal stress response to EPBM tunnelling in London Clay. Géotechnique 69 (5), 434–457 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.17.P.309 (open access paper) |
2018 | J P de Bono & G R McDowell | Micro mechanics of drained and undrained shearing of compacted and overconsolidated crushable sand. Géotechnique 68 (7), 575–589 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.16.P.318 (open access paper) |
2017 | O Ajayi, L Le Pen, A Zervos & W Powrie | A behavioural framework for fibre-reinforced gravel. Géotechnique, 67 (1), 56–68 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.16.P.023 |
2016 | A Maheetharan, A Raveendiraraj, O Ousous & R May
| Design of pile configuration for optimum raft performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Engineering, 169, 139-152 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeen.15.00047 |
2015 | P-Q Mo, A M Marshall & H-S Yu | Centrifuge modelling of cone penetration tests in layered soils. Géotechnique, 65 (6) https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.14.P.176 |
2014 | A Gasparre, D W Hight, M R Coop & R J Jardine | The laboratory measurement and interpretation of the small-strain stiffness of stiff clays. Géotechnique, 64 (12) https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.13.P.227 |
2013 | S M Springman, A Thielen, P Kienzler, & S Friedel | A long-term field study for the investigation of rainfall-induced landslides. Géotechnique, 63 (14), 1177–1193 https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.11.P.142 |
2012 | L Zdravkovic & D Potts | Accounting for partial material factors in numerical analysis. Géotechnique, 62 (12), 1053–1065 https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.11.P.057 |
2011 | C Y Cheuk & D J White | Modelling the dynamic embedment of seabed pipelines. Géotechnique, 61 (1), 39-57 https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.8.P.148 |
2010 | L Zdravkovic & V J Potts | Finite-element study of arching behaviour in reinforced fills. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Ground improvement, 163, 217-229 https://doi.org/10.1680/grim.2010.163.4.217 |
2009 | J A Knappett & S P G Madabhushi | Influence of axial load on lateral pile response in liquefiable soils. Part I: physical modelling. Géotechnique, 59 (7), 571-581 https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.8.009.3749 |
2008 | S Kontoe, L Zdravkovic, D M Potts & C O Menkiti | Case study on seismic tunnel response. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45, 1743-1764 https://doi.org/10.1139/T08-087 |
2007 | No award | |
2006 | H G Poulos | The use of stiffness inserts in pile groups and piled rafts. Geotechnical Engineering, 169 (3), 153-160 https://doi.org/10.1680/geng.2006.159.3.153 |
2005 | M F Randolph & D J White | Limiting cavity depth for spudcan foundations penetrating clay. Géotechnique, 55 (9), 679 – 690. (Jointly written with M S Hossain & Y Hu.) |
2004 | D J White & M D Bolton | Displacement and strain paths during plane-strain model pile installation in sand. Geotechnique, 54 (6), 375-397. |
2003 | A Phear, C Warren & D Patterson | Sustainable chalk fill transfer from Channel Tunnel Rail Link. Geotechnical Engineering, 156 (2), 63-73. |
2002 | N E Simons, B K Menzies, M C Matthews | Geotechnical Site Investigation. (Textbook) https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/book/10.1680/ascigsi.29484?mobileUi=0 |
2001 | H G Poulos | Piled raft foundations: design and applications. Géotechnique March, 51 (2), 95-113. |
2000 | P G Fookes & J N Hutchinson | Total geological history: a model approach to the anticipation, observation and understanding of site conditions. GeoEng 2000, An International conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 19-24 November 2000, Melbourne, Australia. |
1999 | T Cuccovillo & M Coop | On the mechanics of structured sands. Geotechnique, 49 (6), 741-760. |
1998 | M R Cooper, E N Bromhead, D J Petley & D I Grant | The Selbourne Cutting Stability Experiment. Geotechnique, 48 (1), 83-101. |
1997b | C C Hird, D A Russell & R A Jewell | The Stability of Single-stage Constructed Reinforced Embankments on Soft Clay. Geotechnical Engineering, 125 (4), 191-205. |
1997a | R N Taylor & S E Stallebrass | The Development and Evaluation of a Constitutive Model for the Prediction of Ground Movements in Overconsolidated Clay. Geotechnique, 47 (2), 235-253. |
1996 | P R Vaughan, Tika & L L J Lemmos | Fast Shearing of Pre-existing Shear Zones in Soil. Geotechnique, 46 (2), 197-233. |
1995b | S R Hencher | Contributions to Rock Mechanics. Trans IMM, QJEG, & elsewhere. |
1995a | R J Jardine | Contributions to Foundation Engineering. Géotechnique, Proc ICE, & elsewhere. |
1994 | W Powrie & M Preene | Contributions to Dewatering in Construction. Proc ICE, Geot. Eng. & elsewhere. |
1993 | J A Charles | Contributions to Engineered Fills. Proc. Conf. Eng. Fills, Newcastle upon Tyne. |
1992 | D W Hight | Contributions to Bothkennar Soft Clay test site: characterisation and lessons learned. Géotechnique, 42 (2). |
1991 | J N Hutchinson | Periglacial & slope processes. Quaternary Engineering Geology: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society, Geological Society, London, 283–334. |
1990 | W H Craig & K Chua | Deep penetration of spud-can foundations on sand and clay. Géotechnique, 40, 541-556. |
1989 | M R Coop & C P Wroth | Field studies of an instrumented model pile in clay. Géotechnique, 39, 679-696. |
1988 | R A Jewell | Reinforced soil wall analysis & predicted behaviour of the Royal Military College trial wall. The Application of Polymeric Reinforcement in Soil Retaining Structures. NATO ASI Series. 193-235. |
1987 | J B Boden & R M C Driscoll | House foundations, a review of the effect of clay soil volume change on design and performance. Mun. Eng. 4, 181-213. |
1986 | G Price & J B Burland | Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre – Geotechnical Aspects. Proc ICE Part 1 Design and Construction, 80, 1479-1503. (Jointly written with J C Kalra.) |
1985 | C P Wroth & G T Houlsby | Soil Mechanics property characterisation & analysis procedures. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, San Francisco, August 12-16, Vol. 1. |
1984 | R J Chandler | Recent European experience of landslides in overconsolidated clays & soft rocks. Proc. IV Int. Symp. on Landslides 1, 61-81. |
1983b | G W E Milligan | Soil deformations near anchored sheet-pile walls. Géotechnique, 33, 41-55. |
1983a | J A Hooper | Non-linear analysis of a circular raft on clay. Géotechnique, 33, 1-20. |
1982b | A N Schofield | Dynamic and earthquake centrifuge modelling. Proc international conference in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics. |
1982a | A D M Penman | Materials & construction methods for embankment dams & cofferdams. International conference on large dams, Rio de Janiero 4, 1105-1228. |
1981d | M Randolph | The response of flexible piles to lateral loading. Géotechnique, 31, 247-259. |
1981c | M Randolph & C P Wroth | The application of the failure state in undrained simple shear to the shaft capacity of driven piles. Géotechnique, 31, 143-157. |
1981b | P G Fookes | Engineering geology of materials for rock armouring. |
1981a | K Been & G C Sills | Self weight consolidation of soft soils: an experimental & theoretical study. Géotechnique, 31, 519-535. |
1980b | R J Mair | Contributions to soft ground tunnelling. Geotechnique and elsewhere. |
1980a | R W Cooke, G Price & K J Tarr | Jacked piles in London Clay: interaction & group behaviour under working conditions. Géotechnique, 30, 97-136. |
1979b | C Thornton | The conditions for failure of a face-centred cubic array of uniform rigid spheres. Géotechnique, 29, 441-459. |
1979a | R W Cooke, G Price & K J Tarr | Jacked piles in London Clay: a study of load transfer & settlement under working conditions. Géotechnique, 29, 113-147. |
1978b | C P Wroth, D M Wood | |
1978a | R H G Parry | Estimating foundation settlements in sand from plate bearing tests. Géotechnique, 28, 107-118. |
1977 | A Marsland (& M F Randolph) | Comparison of the results from pressuremeter tests & large insitu plate tests in London Clay. Géotechnique, 27, 217-243. |
1976b | N B Hobbs (& P Robins) | Compression & tension tests on driven piles in Chalk. Géotechnique, 26, 33-46. |
1976a | A F L Hyde & S F Brown | The plastic deformation of a silty clay under creep & repeated loading. Géotechnique, 26, 173-184. |
1975 | J R F Arthur (& A B Phillips) | Homogeneous & layered sand in triaxial compression. Géotechnique, 25, 799-815. |
1974 | J B Burland & C P Wroth | Settlement of buildings and associated structures. Proc. Conf. Settlement Struct., Cambridge. 611-654. |
1973b | P R Vaughan & H J Walbanke | Pore pressure changes & the delayed failure of cutting slopes in overconsolidated clay. Géotechnique, 23, 531-539. |
1973a | J A Hooper | Observations on the behaviour of a piled raft foundation on London Clay. Proc. I C E. 55, 855-8777. |
1972c | K W Cole | |
1972b | A C Palmer | Undrained plain strain expansion of a cylindrical cavity in clay: a simple interpretation of the pressuremeter test. Géotechnique, 22, 451-457. |
1972a | L Bjerrum, J K T L Nash, R M Kennard & R E Gibson | Hydraulic fracturing in field permeability testing. Géotechnique, 22, 319-332. |
1971 | J B Burland | A method of estimating the pore pressures and displacements beneath embankments on soft clay deposits. Proc Roscoe Mem. Symp., Cambridge. 505-536. |
1970b | R G James & P L Bransby | Experimental & theoretical investigations of a passive earth pressure problem. Géotechnique, 20, 17-37. |
1970a | M J Tomlinson | Some effects of pile driving on skin friction. Proc. Conf. Behav. Piles, London. 107-114.pore pressures and displacements beneath embankments on soft clay deposits. Proc Roscoe Mem. Symp., Cambridge. 505-536. |
1969b | A W Bishop & Z A Al Dhahir | Some comparisons between laboratory tests, insitu tests and full scale performance, with special reference to permeability and coefficient of consolidation. Proc. Conf. Insitu Invest. Rocks Soils, London. 251-264. |
1969a | A W Skempton & J N Hutchinson | Stability of natural slopes. Proc. 7th ICSMFE, State of the Art Volume; 291-340. |
1968b | R E Gibson & G C Shefford | The efficiency of horizontal drainage layers for accelerating consolidation of clay embankments. Géotechnique, 18, 327-335. |
1968a | W H Ward, J B Burland & R W Gallois | Geotechnical assessment of a site at Mundford, Norfolk, for a large proton accelerator. Géotechnique, 18, 399-431. |
1967b | A D M Penman & G H Watson | Foundations for storage tanks on reclaimed land at Teesmouth. Proc. ICE. 39, 19-42. |
1967a | N N Ambrayses & S K Sarma | The response of earth-dams to strong earthquakes. Géotechnique, 17, 181-213. |
1966b | I F Christie | The solution of consolidation problems by general purpose analogue computer. Géotechnique, 16, 131-148. |
1966a | T Whitaker & R W Cooke | An investigation of the shaft & base resistance of large bored piles in London Clay. Proc. Int. Symp. Large Bored Piles, London. 7-49. |
1965c | N Morgenstern & V E Price | The analysis of the stability of general slip surfaces. Géotechnique, 15, 79-93. |
1965b | J L Knill & K S Jones | The recording & interpretation of geological conditions in the foundations of the Roseires, Kariba and Latiyan Dams. Géotechnique, 15, 94-124. |
1965a | P W Rowe & K Peaker | Passive earth pressure measurements. Géotechnique, 15, 57-78. |
1964b | A W Bishop, M F Kennard & P R Vaughan | Developments in the measurement and interpretation of pore pressures in earth dams. Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Large Dams, Edinburgh. 2; 47-72. |
1964a | D H Cornforth | Some experiments on the influence of strain conditions on the strength of sand. Géotechnique, 14, 143-167. |
1963 | R E Gibson | An analysis of system flexibility & its effect on time-lag in pore water pressure measurements. Géotechnique, 13, 1-11. |
1962b | P Lumb | The properties of decomposed granite. Géotechnique, 12, 226-243. |
1962a | P W Rowe | The stress-dilatancy relation for static equilibrium of an assembly of particles in contact Proc Roy Soc, London; Series A, 269; 500-527. |
1961 | A W Bishop | The measurement of pore pressures in the triaxial test. Conf. Pore Pressure Suction in Soils, London. |
1960b | A W Bishop & Morgenstern | Stability coefficients for earth slopes. Géotechnique, 10, 129-150. |
1960a | T Whitaker | Some experiments on model piled foundations in clay. Proc. Symp. Pile Fndns: 6th Int Congr. Intl. Ass. Br. & Struct. Engng. Stockholm. 124-39. |
1959 | A W Skempton | Cast insitu bored piles in London clay. Géotechnique, 9, 153-173. |
1958 | K H Roscoe, A N Schofield & C P Wroth | On the yielding of soils. Géotechnique, 8, 22-25. |