2023 BGA Medal Winning Paper announced
The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is pleased to announce that the 2023 BGA Medal has been awarded to the paper “Particle-scale simulations of the compression and shearing of kaolin clay” by John de Bono and Glenn McDowell.
The full reference for the paper is:
de Bono, J P & McDowell, G R (2023) Particle-scale simulations of the compression and shearing of kaolin clay. Géotechnique, Ahead of Print, Published online: August 2, 2023 [https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.22.00423]
The paper can be accessed via the ICE Virtual Library HERE.
A total of eight entries were received for this year, many of which were of a very high standard, making the selection of the winner by the prizes sub-committee a challenging task.
The Judges found the winning paper to be truly impressive. The paper presents the work undertaken on the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of kaolin clays using the discrete element approach, which resulted in successful simulations in terms of compression and shear. This work opens the way for fundamentally improving our understanding of phenomena such as hysteresis and creep.
The BGA Medal is awarded annually (each calendar year) by the BGA to a paper substantially authored by a BGA member or BGA members published in an international journal or from BGA, ISSMGE and ISRM conferences, and submitted for consideration of the award.