Awards Presented at BGA Annual General Meeting June 2019
The BGA presented awards at its Annual General Meeting during its Annual Conference on 19 June 2019.
Dr John de Bono and Professor Glenn McDowell of the University of Nottingham received the 2018 BGA Medal from BGA Chair Dr Martin Preene. The paper was ‘Micro mechanics of drained and undrained shearing of compacted and overconsolidated crushable sand’ published in Géotechnique. Further details here.
Harry Postill of Loughborough University received the 2019 Cooling Prize from BGA Chairman Dr Martin Preene. Further details here.
Isabel von Celsing of Oxford University was awarded the 2018 BGA Masters Dissertation Prize, Further details here. She was not able to attend the awards ceremony.
Melisa Mia Tait was Highly Commended for the 2018 BGA Masters Dissertation Competition. She received the award from BGA Chairman Dr Martin Preene. Further details here.
Doug Ayres (the BGA’s oldest member) was presented with a gift and granted Honorary BGA membership by BGA Chairman Dr Martin Preene in recognition of his outstanding long term commitment to BGA activities throughout his many years of membership.
At the end of the AGM, the incoming BGA Chairman Professor Kelvin Higgins cut a cake to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the BGA.