BGA removes submission deadlines from its Knowledge Support Fund
The BGA is delighted to announce that our Knowledge Support Fund Award submission deadlines have been removed. Under the new approach, the BGA will respond to applicants within three months of their entries being submitted, instead of applicants waiting to hear back shortly after the May and November submission deadlines. The change has been brought in to make accessing the funds more efficient for successful applicants, given the range of uses the fund can be applied to.
As before, entries can be submitted at any time of the year via the BGA Knowledge Support Fund page on the BGA Website here.
The BGA Knowledge Support Fund allows the BGA to provide financial assistance to individual BGA members for further study or advancement of their career in technical subjects. Applicants are invited to apply for funds of up to £1,000 for studies which will support or advance their geotechnical career. The award is open to all members of the BGA.