Call for applications for BGA Fund Awards
The BGA Fund Award allows the BGA to provide financial assistance to individual BGA members for further study or advancement of their career in technical subjects.
Applicants are invited to apply for funds of up to £1,000 for studies which will support or advance their geotechnical career.
The BGA Fund Award is open to all members and is associated with excellence, we only ask that you are passionate about geotechnical engineering. You may apply for funds to assist with your education (research activities, books, training courses, equipment as well as conference/field trip attendance). Priority will be given to those with limited alternative sources of funding. Applications are particularly encouraged from members who are at an early stage of their career or want to further their basic understanding in the field of geotechnics.
Applications can be submitted at any time but will be assessed twice a year (application deadlines are 31 May and 30 November annually, and applications are reviewed shortly thereafter). Applications must be made via the form on the Prizes page and should comprise a fully completed application form and referee form (downloadable here).