Call for Entries for the BGA 2024 Masters Dissertation Prize
The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) invites submissions for the BGA Masters Dissertation Prize.
The Masters Dissertation Prize is a prize of £500 awarded annually by the BGA for the best Masters’ degree dissertation on a geotechnical topic. The competition is open to student members of the BGA who will be completing a dissertation in 2024, either as part of a taught course MEng or a coursework-based MSc at a British University.
The dissertation should be completed in the field of soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering, geo-environmental engineering, engineering geology or an allied subject. It is intended that the dissertation should represent the student’s own work completed as part of the final year assessment for an MEng graduate degree or as part of coursework completed in satisfaction of an MSc postgraduate degree. Dissertations produced as part of MRes or similar postgraduate research based degrees/diplomas etc are not eligible for the award.
The entry should be submitted by the MEng/MSc course leader or the dissertation supervisor on behalf of the student.
Submissions should be made via the on-line submissions portal on the BGA website. Full details of the award, eligibility criteria and application forms can be found on the BGA website HERE.
The deadline for submissions is midnight on 31 January 2025.