Call for nominations for new ISSMGE TC on Geotechnical BIM
and Digital Twins
The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is pleased to share the news that the ISSMGE Board has approved the creation of a new Technical Committee TC222 on Geotechnical Building Information Modelling and Digital Twins (short name Geotechnical BIM and DT), proposed and chaired by Dr. Magnus Rømoen from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI).
Building Information Modelling (BIM) provides a digital
representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility and
foundation. The BIM-model can be used as a knowledge resource into a
DigitalTwin providing a reliable basis for decisions during the life-cycle of a
structure and its foundation. While the BIM-model is purely digital, the
DigitalTwin is a combination of the digital and physical world.
A background briefing prepared by Dr. Rømoen can be viewed here.
The BGA (as a Member Society of the ISSMGE) may appoint two members who wish to actively participate to the activities of the new TC222. In addition, the BGA may nominate any interested members to participate as
corresponding member (with no voting rights), with no limitation on the number of corresponding numbers.
Any BGA member wanting to join this TC should contact the BGA via email The
message should include a note of their BGA membership number, so that the BGA can confirm ISSMGE membership. The applicants should also indicate whether they
would wish to be a nominated member or a corresponding member. Deadline for nominations is 31 December 2021.