Authors are invited to submit abstracts of about 300 words in English, on any of the topics relevant to one of the conference themes below. The deadline for submission of abstracts has now been extended to 15 May 2019.
- Field case studies
- Physical and numerical modelling of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground
- The effect of underground construction activities on existing structures
- Design and application of ground improvement for underground construction
- Sensing technologies and monitoring for underground construction in soft ground
- Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures
- Seismic response of underground infrastructure in soft ground
IS-Cambridge 2020 will be held at Churchill College in Cambridge, United Kingdom from 29 June to 1 July 2020. As well as the conference sessions, the conference will include a gala dinner at St John’s College and an opportunity to visit the Thames Tideway project underway in central London.
For more detailed information and to submit your abstract, please visit the IS-Cambridge 2020 conference website.