Chalk 2018

The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) with support from the Engineering Group of the Geological Society (EGGS) hosted a major two-day international conference on Engineering in Chalk on 17th and 18th September 2018 at Imperial College in London.

The previous major conference on Chalk was held almost 30 years earlier in 1989 in Brighton. Since that time, considerable work has been undertaken internationally through research and in many major projects in Chalk, advancing our understanding of its origin, nature and engineering behavior. The 2018 conference therefore brought together the knowledge and experience gained in those three decades by presenting research and case histories to provide a definitive up to date perspective on a wide range of Technical Themes relating to engineering in Chalk.

The conference programme can be viewed below.

  • Technical Themes

    Case histories of construction and engineering in Chalk

    This Technical Theme includes case histories of construction and engineering in Chalk and assesses the impact of adverse geological conditions and the measures/procedures adopted in order to mitigate them.

    Earthworks in Chalk

    This Technical Theme includes the assessment of Chalk material characteristics in the laboratory and in-situ, its performance characteristics in handling and placing, and it’s performance (both short and long term) in cut slopes, fill embankments, in road and rail sub-grades, and in deep foundations.

    Foundations and piling in Chalk

    This Technical Theme includes aspects of foundations, retaining walls and piles in Chalk.

    Future engineering issues in Chalk

    This Technical Theme includes innovation and future issues for engineering in chalk. Possible subjects include digital and technological innovation (investigation, testing, construction, monitoring, modelling and design); issues of climate change (challenges, risks and opportunities); future issues of interface between engineering and Chalk natural resources (landscape, coastline, rivers, groundwater, habitats); issues of aging infrastructure on and in the Chalk; issues of knowledge transfer and legacy.

    Geological hazards in Chalk

    This Technical Theme aims to cover the measures taken to identify chalk hazards (e.g. hazard assessment techniques, investigation strategies) and provide engineering solutions (remedial & mitigation measures, also construction impacts). The types of geological hazard might include: naturally formed cavities (solution features), drift filled hollows, periglacial features, faulting, man-made cavities (mines, quarries, tunnels and others), unstable inland and coastal slopes (natural, man-made). Understanding the mechanisms of ground movement and their trigger is also of interest.

    Offshore engineering in Chalk

    This Technical Theme addresses aspects of Chalk geology and engineering related to offshore structures.

    Site investigation/characterization in Chalk

    This Technical Theme covers the desk studies, walkover surveys and investigations required to gather data for design and construction. It includes identification of information sources, site walkover and engineering geomorphological mapping, development of ground models, selection and deployment of appropriate investigation techniques, mass and material description and logging, design of appropriate testing regimes and presentation of data.

    Testing in Chalk – in situ and laboratory

    The laboratory and in situ testing Technical Theme aims to promote better understanding of the behaviour of Chalk under various conditions, either from samples or directly on the rock mass. Topics in this theme include the determination of engineering properties of Chalk, failure mechanisms, fracture propagation, transport mechanisms and permeability evolution, rock-fluid interactions and in situ stress determination.

    Tunnelling in Chalk

    This Technical Theme includes the design and construction of shaft, adits and tunnels (sprayed concrete lining, segmental lining tunnels etc) and associated research in Chalk. Possible subjects include factors influencing construction methods and equipment selection, geotechnical design parameters and design methods used, face stability considerations, details of temporary and permanent linings, ground treatment (for example grouting to reduce ground water flows), instrumentation data from tunnelling works, settlement data and any mitigation works.

    Water and the environment

    This Technical Theme includes hydrogeological and contaminated land aspects of Chalk. Possible subjects include groundwater resources, construction dewatering, ground source heating and cooling and contaminated land investigation and remediation.

  • Keynote Speakers
  • Committee

    Conference Organizing Committee:

    • Chairman: Dr Martin Preene (Chairman of the BGA)
    • Organising Secretary: Dr James Lawrence (Imperial College London)
    • Assistant Organising Secretary: Dr Roisin Buckley (Imperial College London)
    • Assistant Organising Secretary: Dr Matteo Ciantia (University of Dundee)
    • Treasurer: Alex Carbray (independent consultant)
    • Publicity Chair: Patrick Cox (AECOM)
    • Programme Chair: Dr Gareth Swift (University of Portsmouth)
    • EGGS Representative: Dr Ursula Lawrence (Capita)

    Technical Theme Leaders

    • Case histories of construction and engineering in Chalk: Dr Tim Newman (Thames Tideway)
    • Earthworks in Chalk: Keith Nicholls (Network Rail)
    • Foundations and piling in Chalk: David Hard (Bachy Soletanche)
    • Future engineering issues in Chalk: Neil Hadlow (CH2M)
    • Geological hazards in Chalk: Dr Clive Edmonds (PBA)
    • Offshore engineering in Chalk: Miguel Andrade (Orsted Energy)
    • Site investigation/characterization in Chalk: Keith Reeves (HS2)
    • Testing – in situ and laboratory: Dr Fanny Descamps (University of Mons, Belgium)
    • Tunnelling in Chalk: Dr Rob Talby (Mott MacDonald)
    • Water and the environment: Dr Ursula Lawrence (Capita)
  • Programme

    Day 1

    Day 1 of the conference on Monday 17th September 2018 includes two Keynote Lectures and 26 oral presentations in two parallel streams.

    The keynotes will be Professor Rory Mortimore on ‘Developing Ground Models for Chalk Engineering: Links across the Disciplines’ and Dr Clive Edmonds on ‘Review of Collapse Events on Chalk since 2000 and the Opportunities for Improved Engineering Practice’.

    Parallel sessions will cover Case Histories, Earthworks, Foundations & Piling and Geological Hazards. Highlights include presentations of the Andrew Lord Memorial Papers on HS1 earthworks, case histories from Crossrail, Tideway and the Lee Tunnel, and discussion of cliff stability problems in chalk.

    Day 1 will finish with conference drinks and a buffet reception.

    Day 2

    Day 2 of the conference on Tuesday 18th September 2018 includes one Keynote Lecture and 32 oral presentations in two parallel streams.

    The keynote will be Professor Richard Jardine on ‘Behaviour of Piles Driven in Chalk

    Parallel sessions will cover site investigation, in-situ and laboratory testing, future engineering issues, offshore engineering, tunnelling and water & the environment Highlights include presentations on the mechanical and hydraulic properties of chalk, discussion of rota-sonic drilling in chalk and a comparison of EPB and slurry TBMs for tunnelling in chalk.

    The main conference will finish at the end of Day 2.

    Technical Visits

    After the end of the main conference Technical Visits will be held, for those delegates who selected this option (numbers are limited), on Wednesday 19 September 2018.

    Two technical visits are available:

    Excursion to the chalk exposures of the Sussex Coast

    This trip will be led by Professor Rory Mortimore.

    Coaches will leave Imperial College at approximately 08:00 and will return by approximately 18:00.

    Lunch will be provided.

    Starting at the West end of Brighton Marina we will discuss the local engineering/geology: Black Rock Marina; Brighton & Hove Stormwater Tunnel; Brighton to Peacehaven new sewer tunnel; coastal engineering and cliff instability. The group will be introduced to some of the issues related to cliff retreat, the methods of monitoring and the different types of remedial engineering. Working along the undercliff walk behind Brighton Marina for approximately 1 kilometre. Upon reaching the East end of the Marina the group will stop for lunch.

    In the afternoon the group will travel to Saldean where Prof Mortimore will introduce the group to Chalk geology and some key marker beds; dry valley and Quaternary processes.

    Visit to chalk mine legacy sites in the Reading area

    This trip will be led by Dr Clive Edmonds.

    Coaches will leave Imperial College at approximately 08:30 and will return by approximately 19:00.

    Lunch will be provided.

    This will involve a walk around Coley area, Reading in the morning to view evidence of past quarrying/mining and crown hole collapses. This will be followed by a visit to the Emmer Green chalk mine visit near Reading (this in an underground visit and requires climbing of ladders).

    Delegates who have booked a Technical Visit will be contacted by email to request their preference for which visit to attend. Note that places are limited and first preferences will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

  • Exhibitors

    A Technical Exhibition to be held in the Queen’s Tower room at Imperial College, immediately outside the lecture hall, close to where the delegates will be served refreshments during coffee breaks and lunch.

    The Technical Exhibition will be an important element of the conference event and the conference agenda allows ample time for delegates to circulate amongst the stands

    The following organisations will be exhibiting at Chalk 2018:

    • Bachy Soletanche
    • BAM Ritchies
    • British Geological Survey
    • COWI
    • European Geophysical Services
    • Fugro
    • Geobrugg
    • Geolabs
    • Geological Society of London
    • Geotechnical Observations
    • Geoterra
    • Highways England
    • Huesker
    • In-Situ Site Investigation
    • Peter Brett Associates
    • Southern Testing
    • Terradat
    • Tideway
    • WJ Groundwater

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