The XVI ECSMGE to be held in Edinburgh on 13-15 September this year is now only four months away.
This week authors should have received notification of the acceptance of their papers. If you have not heard anything please contact Sara Armstrong on Please see the conference website for details of the programme of events.
If you have not registered yet for the conference then please do so soon. Early bird registration has now been extended, but only until the 12th June. Again, please see the conference website for details.
You can also help us to promote the conference by using the following multi-lingual powerpoint slides at your own events in the coming months. These slides invite registration for the conference in 14 European Languages; please use them to help us make the event a success.
Download: ECSMGE Edinburgh PPT Slides .
While all the exhibition space is now sold out, there are still many sponsorship opportunities available. Take a look on the conference website or contact Sara for further details.
Finally, to keep up to date, don’t forget to join the conference LinkedIn Group here.
We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh in September.