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The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal association for geotechnical engineers in the UK.
Past event: Please note this event information is displayed for informational purposes only.
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The Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering Series is a platform for knowledge sharing between Academia and Industry, promoting rigorous discourse between young professionals in this field focusing on three main themes: Technical knowledge, Sustainability & Digital Transformation
The British Geotechnical Association
18:30 - 20:00
BGA Early Career Group Meetings
Refreshments are available from HH:MM
The Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering Series is a platform for knowledge sharing between Academia and Industry, promoting rigorous discourse between young professionals in this field focusing on three main themes: Technical knowledge, Sustainability & Digital Transformation.
Over the past few decades, the progress within Geotechnical Engineering have advanced rapidly, with new technology, methods and findings being sought by researchers and industry practitioners alike.
This presentation will provide an overview of recent experimental and theoretical developments at the University of Bristol to aid the design of offshore geotechnical systems. The talk will focus on: (i) new constitutive modelling techniques to predict the long term cyclic behaviour of soils and offshore mono-pile foundations, (ii) the development of new large scale experimental rigs to study the on-bottom stability of offshore pipelines and cables; and (iii) new macro-element modelling techniques applied to anchoring systems for floating energy devices, such as wind and wave energy converters.
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Test Organisation 3
The British Geotechnical Association is grateful for the support of Corporate Members, and the organisations that the BGA Executive Committee members belong to.
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