18.10.2016 | 17:00-19:00

The Role of Numerical Modelling in the Design of Rock Engineering Projects

Past event: Please note this event information is displayed for informational purposes only.


Early Career Group Event

18th October 2016 at 6.00 pm

Godfrey Mitchel Theatre, Institution of Civil Engineers

One Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AA

The role of numerical modelling in the design of major rock engineering projects

Anastasios Stavrou

(Engineering Geologist – Postgraduate Researcher, AECOM)

The BGA Early Career Group are pleased to invite you to October’s event. The talk aims to demonstrate the role of realistic numerical modelling in the design of major civil and mining projects such as the Stockholm Bypass rock tunnels, the Glensanda Supper Quarry expansion and the Hinkley C Point Nuclear Power Station deep excavations. The objective is to show that since rock masses are generally jointed, anisotropic and not homogenous, the accurate representation of the in-situ rock mass conditions is of paramount importance in rock mechanics modelling and design. The talk will provide some guidelines on the numerical modelling of underground and surface excavations and will discuss why the choice of appropriate modelling methods (i.e. Continuum vs Discontinuum & 2D vs 3D) in simulating the behaviour of a rock mass and the elements used as rock reinforcement is a critical and extremely important decision that should be undertaken with careful consideration.

Download: flyer 2016 BGA-ECG RocMod

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