This newsletter focuses on Ground Improvement works, organized within the framework of the next ICSMGE 2017 which will be held in Seoul from:
17 to 22 September 2017:
– Organization of the four Discussion Sessions dedicated to Ground Improvement works,
-Session 1 dedicated to the GI works without admixtures and inclusions,
– Sessions 2 and 3 dedicated to the GI works with admixtures and inclusions,
– Session 4 dedicated to GI works with grouting type admixtures.
on September 20 and 21 – time schedule to be determined by the Seoul conference committee
– Organization of a common TC211-TC218 Workshop on the topic of “MSE Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes”
on September 20 between 9 am to 12:30 pm
– Organization of the 4th Louis Ménard Lecture on the topic of “Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Soft Soil Stabilisation
– From Conceptual Fundamentals to Field Applications”
on September 18 or 19 – time schedule to be determined by the Seoul conference committee
For more information click here