Headlines and Deadlines
IMPORTANT: the ICE database is being updated with 2015 subscription information this coming weekend so MyICE and online registration for events cannot be accessed between 16:00 on Friday 10October and 09:00 on Tuesday 14 October.
Geotechnical Engineering Lecture – 12 November 2014
ECG Event at Imperial College – 19 November 2014
Booking open for Fleming Award – 10 December 2014
Keynote lectures announced for ECSMGE in Edinburgh: 13-15 September 2015
MISSED IT? | 15October 2014 – 6.00 pm | Joint Evening Meeting with IGS | “Geosynthetics – Design & specification, the way forward” by Steve Corbet of AECOM. We hope to have a recording available shortly. |
Forthcoming EVENTS 2014
Webcast link |
12 November – 6.30 pm | Geotechnical Engineering Lecture | Dr Fleur Loveridge to present her paper written with Prof William Powrie on “Pile heat exchangers: thermal behaviour andinteractions”. Online registration required at http://www.ice.org.uk/Events-conferences/Events/Geotechnical-Lecture;View online (with password “icewebcast”) at:
https://ice-org.webex.com/ice-org/onstage/g.php?MTID=e017c22f514dd0772faa5257195c831c0 |
13 November 2014 | GE Next Generation awards – inaugural event supported by Arup, Bachy Soletanche and BAM Ritchies | Expanding on GE’s Young Geotechnical Engineer of the Year Award, two age categories will celebrate career achievements by leading recent recruits in the ground engineering sector as well as contributions made by talented people taking the apprenticeship route, have recently graduated, excelled in their post graduate studies, and those at top of the field of geoenvironmental or ground investigation work. Prof John Burland to be guest speaker. Full details at www.nce.co.uk/GENextGen or email GENextGeneration@emap.com for more information. | |
BOOK ONLINE | 19 November – 6.30 pm | BGA Early Career Group Meeting | Alexander Nikolic of BuroHappold on “Reclaiming Engineering: Entrepreneurship and the profile of geotechnical engineers” at Imperial College. Book on line at http://www.ice.org.uk/Event?ID=3134 |
New | 26 November 2014 | EGGS 15th Glossop Lecture & Award | Mike Sweeney speaking on ‘Terrain and Geohazard Challenges for Onshore Pipelines in Remote Regions.’ |
new | 4 December 2014 – 6.00 pm | IGS/EGGS Joint Mtg & AGM | Burlington House: The future of Geosynthetics by Peter Assinder |
BOOKING NOW OPEN! | 10 December 2014 | Fleming Award | Sponsored by Skanska – see BGA Website for full details; registration essential at ice.org.uk/fleming14 |
Employer Ownership Fund – open until December | Follow up fund to the Employer Ownership Pilot, | For further information, see https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employer-ownership-improving-engineering-careers or https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employer-ownership-developing-women-engineers | |
14-21 December 2014 | ICE and Snow | Designed for young people and children accompanied by adults, the event attracts professional engineers and their families from around the UK and is an opportunity for graduates and students and unaccompanied or accompanied like-minded professionals to gather in a unique, inspiring environment(Meribel, France. Full details at http://www.ice.org.uk/Education/ICE-SNOW | |
New | 20 May 2015 | NEC Users’ Group Annual Seminar 2015. |
BOOK ONLINE | 19 November 2014 | BGA Early Career Group Meeting | Alexander Nikolic of BuroHappold on “Reclaiming Engineering: Entrepreneurship and the profile of geotechnical engineers” at Imperial College. Book on line at http://www.ice.org.uk/Event?ID=3134 |
NEW | 22 September 2014 | BGA Early Career Group Meeting | Prof Brian Simpson and Georgios Katsigiannis on “How Eurocode 7 Gets Misunderstood” – presentation slides now available at: http://www.workshopec7.com/ |
NEW! | BGA sponsored delegate | EYGEC 2015 – DURHAM | Regional Geotechnical Groups are invited to propose a young engineer (aged less than 34 on 31st December 2014) from within their region as a candidate for BGA sponsorship to attend this prestigious conference immediately preceding the ECSMGE in Edinburgh next September. Often regional candidates are selected by competition for best paper submitted. Contact details for your regional group are on the new BGA website at http://britishgeotech.org/about-us/regional-groups/ |
ICE Textbooks | for undergraduates | As part of our mission to educate and inspire the next generation of engineers, ICE Textbooks have been created as concise introductions to their subjects and will provide undergraduates with clear, accurate, and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering.First in a series of 12:
For further information please visit www.icetextbooks.com. |
Deadline extension | 15 November 2014 | 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium | 28 June – 1 July 2015: Westin St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA; full information from Peter Smeallie at smeallie@verizon.net or visit www.armasymposium.org |
FIRST BULLETIN – abstracts due | 30 November 2014 | Albanian Geotechnical Society (AGS) | 26, 27 & 28 November 2015 -Tirana, Albania. International Conference on: Geo-Environment and Construction – see BGA website |
10-14 November 2014 | 7th Int’l Congress on Environmental Geotechnics | Melbourne, Australia plus four pre-congress short courses | |
19 – 21 Nov 2014 | GEOMATE 2014 | Brisbane: see http://www.geomate.org/ for full details | |
NEW: 1ST announcement & call for papers | EUROCK 2015 | 7-10 October 2015 – ISRM Regional Symposium and 64th Geomechanics Colloquium in Saltzburg, Austria; see www.EUROCK2015.com | |
Abstract deadline | VIETROCK 2015 | 12-13 March 2015: Hanoi, Vietnam; see http://www.vietrocknet.org/ for further information | |
ISRM | 2016 Rocha Award | See http://www.isrm.net for full details and submit nominations to secretariat.isrm@lnec.pt; |
ISRM | 12-13 March 2015 | VIETROCK 2015 | Hanoi, Vietnam; see http://www.vietrocknet.org/ for further information |
1-2 May 2015 | ISP7-PRESSIO 2015 | The International Symposium for the 60th Anniversary of the pressuremeter “ISP7” organised by the Tunisian Association of Soil Mechanics (ATMS) as part of the 16th ARCSMGE from 27-30 April 2015 in Hammamet, Tunisia. full details at www.cramsg2015.org | |
ISRM | 10-13 May 2015 | ISRM Congress | Montreal, Canada – full details at www.isrm2015.com |
ISRM | 12 May 2015 | In conjunction withISRM Congress in Montreal | Shale and Rock Mechanics Workshop, as Applied to Slopes, Tunnels, Mines and Hydrocarbon Extraction. Details at www.isrm2015.com |
New | 14-15 May 2015 | 9th Int’l Industrial Minerals Symposium | İzmir, Turkey; full details at www.indmin.org |
10 –12 June 2015 | 3rd Int’l Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics | Oslo, Norway: Symposium under auspices of TC209 – full details at www.isfog2015.no – will also host ISSMGE Third McLelland Honor Lecture to be given by Knut H. Andersen. | |
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS | 15 June 2015 | 2nd Int’l Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy | 3-5 November 2015 – Brussels: under the auspices of EAGE. |
14-16 June 2015 | 3rd Int’l Conf on the Flat Dilatometer DMT | Under the auspices of TC 102/ISSMGE – in Rome; see BGA website or http://www.issmge.org/en/conferences-and-events/conferences-issmge/eventdetail/560/-/3rd-international-conference-on-the-flat-dilatometer-dmt15 ) for further information | |
Rocks | 28 June – 1 July 2015 | 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium | Westin St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA; full information from Peter Smeallie at smeallie@verizon.net or visit www.armasymposium.org |
New – ISRM | 7-10 October 2015 | EUROCK 2015 | ISRM Regional Symposium and 64th Geomechanics Colloquium in Saltzburg, Austria; see www.EUROCK2015.com |
13-15 October 2015 | 5th Int’l Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk | Rotterdam, Netherlands; full details and preliminary programme at isgsr2015.org | |
2– 4November 2015 | Mini-Symposia:6ICEGE | Christchurch, New Zealand; full details at http://www.6icege.com/ and suggestions to brendon.bradley@canterbury.ac.nz | |
2– 4November 2015 | 6ICEGE | 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering – Christchurch, New Zealand. | |
3-5 November 2015 | 2nd Int’l Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy | Brussels: under the auspices of EAGE. | |
15 to 18 November 2015 | 6th IS-TC 101: Deformation Characteristics of Soils | Buenos Aires: Conference organized in parallel with Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators engaged in understanding the deformation properties of geomaterials before failure, and the small strain parameters as fundamental characteristics of geomaterials. Visit http://conferencesba2015.com.ar/ | |
New | 26, 27 & 28 November 2015 | Albanian Geotechnical Society (AGS) | Tirana, Albania. International Conference on: Geo-Environment and Construction – see BGA website |
NEW! | October 2014 | Géotechnique Newsletter | http://www.elabs10.com/functions/message_view.html?mid=3428405&mlid=12974&siteid=2010001471&uid=a2679651e8 |
New! | ASIRI National Project (2005-2011) | Recommendations for design construction and control of rigid inclusion ground improvements – contact me if you are interested; currently on loan but will eventually be lodged in ICE Library. | |
now available | ICE Register – NEC3 project managers | ICE Register for Accredited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) Project Managers listing all NEC Project Managers who have successfully completed the NEC3: ECC Project Manager Accreditation programme. | |
NEC website | New and improved website: Visitwww.neccontract.com today | ||
new | Latest bulletin | ISSMGE | http://www.issmge.org/en/resources/issmge-bulletin/676-vol-8-issue-5-october-2014 |
1 October 2014 | ISSMGE | Webinar series launched – appx every 2 months . watch recording of Prof Fernando Schnaid spkg on “In situ testing in geomechanics: Questioning current engineering practice” at http://www.issmge.org/en/resources/recorded-webinars/672-in-situ-testing-in-geomechanics-questioning-current-engineering-practice | |
free! | Environmental Geotechnics | Please click the following link to access http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/content/serial/envgeo | |
ICE Virtual Library Newsletter | Exclusive savings every month – ICE Virtual Library newsletter | ||
Now in ISI’s WEB OF SCIENCE | Géotechnique Letters | Read in full at Geotechnique Letters Web of Science announcement with details of Themed Issue: Experimental micro-mechanics for geomaterials | |
Issue 3 of Volume 1 just published | Geotechnical Research July 2014 (vol 1, issue 3) | Geotechnical Research | ICE Publishing’s first Gold Open Access journals
Contact a.mcanena@icepublishing.com for further details. |
Recently launched journal | Manuscripts invited on a range of disciplines | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment (GETE) | More information is available on the following link:http://www.journals.elsevier.com/geomechanics-for-energy-and-the-environment/ |
Symposium in Print | Bio- and Chemo- Mechanical Processes in Geotechnical Engineering | Edited by Lyesse Laloui –contains the papers selected for the seventeenth Géotechnique Symposium in Print and covers a wide range of geotechnical processes;see http://www.elabs10.com/functions/message_view.html?mid=3379618&mlid=47022&siteid=2010001480&uid=20f73537ea for further details. |
ECSMGE XVI – EDINBURGH: 13 – 15September 2015:
10 months to go! | 16th European Conf on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering | The BGA is pleased to be hosting this prestigious event in Edinburgh in just under a year’s time. Please promote to as wide an audience as possible – contact me if you need a further copy of the promotional slide |
Good news for authors | Proceedings | Will be included/indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar and to be sent for inclusion in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index |
Keynote Lectures announced | Titles are provisional and subject to change.) |
Keep up to date with developments! | LinkedIn Group set-up | Receive all the latest news on this important event (all are welcome):http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=5021708&trk=group-name |
opportunities still available | Exhibition & Sponsorship | Brochure at http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/?page_id=434Bookings at http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/?page_id=52 |