06.12.2022 | 18:30-20:30

BGA Fleming Award Event 2022

Past event: Please note this event information is displayed for informational purposes only.


The Fleming Award is awarded annually by the BGA to commemorate the life and work of Dr Ken Fleming, who was chief engineer at Cementation Skanska Foundation.

The Fleming Award competition is held at an evening meeting of the BGA each December, with entries being invited during the autumn of each year. The award recognises excellence in the practical application of geotechnics in a project or a part of a project, and is awarded to project teams who have worked on geotechnical projects that have been substantially completed within the two years prior to the award date of December. Each Team is expected to comprise between 3 and 6 people, at least one of whom must be a member of the BGA.


Project Team
A heat-exchange piled foundation solution at the Euston station welfare facility for HS2 Keltbray Ltd., City, University of London, G-Core Ltd., Wentworth House Partnership, Mace-Dragados, HS2
Ground improvement for seismically qualified facility BAE Systems, Atkins, Bachy Soletanche, Morgan Sindall
HS2 Phase One, Contract C1 Align Integrated Project Team: HS2, Bouygues Travaux Publics, Jacobs, Rendel-Ingerop and Keller

The event is sponsored by Cementation Skanska.

Submitting teams typically include representatives from Clients, Main Contractors, Consulting Engineers, Specialist Contractors and so on. The award is presented to the Project Team which most demonstrates excellence in geotechnical design & construction. There is an emphasis on teamwork across the different disciplines involved in the project, innovation is also a strong consideration.

A list of previous winners and finalists can be viewed HERE.

At the event:

  • Each team will give a short presentation (about 20 minutes with 5 minutes of questions afterwards). After the presentations have been completed, the judges will retire to consider their verdict.
  • There will be a short keynote lecture while the judges reach their decision.

This event is planned as an in-person event, and will also be webcast live.

This event is free to attend, but advance booking is required for both in-person attendance and on-line viewing. The booking link is below.

  • Date & Time
    Date & Time


    18:30 - 20:30

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  • Location

    Telford Lecture Theatre, Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA

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  • Event Type
    Event Type

    BGA Meetings


Keynote Lecture: The design and construction of new Tidal Barrier and quay
walls at the Port of Boston, UK

The Environment Agency’s £100m Boston Barrier Tidal Flood Defence Scheme will protect 14,000 properties from tidal flooding in Boston, UK. Delivered by a Design & Build Joint Venture between BAM Nuttall and Mott MacDonald, the scheme includes two major hydraulic structures, and 1.2km of a new sheet piled quay wall with a retained height typically in excess of 10m.

The presentation will describe the geotechnical design and construction of the tidal barrier and new sheet pile quay walls, including their anchorage systems which variously comprise continuous and tubular pile anchor walls, pile groups, and drilled anchors.These structures were significantly complicated by their interaction with the existing historic port structures, which are variably in a poor state of disrepair, as well as ongoing port operations.Use of a comprehensive BIM model was paramount for the development of innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.

The design incorporated interpretation of advanced ground investigation laboratory and field tests, selection of design non-linear stiffness parameters, numerical soil-structure-interaction analysis, and validation of results based on site observations.Progress and completion photographs will illustrate progress the use of the BIM model during construction.

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