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The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal association for geotechnical engineers in the UK.
Past event: Please note this event information is displayed for informational purposes only.
Further details can be found here.
In advance of the 2020 BGA Rankine Lecture, Imperial College London is holding a half day seminar, held at the Skempton Building, Imperial College London and chaired by Professor Lidija Zdravkovic.
The seminar will run from 1:00-4:30pm on the 18th March 2020, in advance of the Rankine lecture at 5:30pm.
Registration is not required and all are welcome to attend.
Skempton Building, Imperial College London, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, London SW7 2BU
Main room: LT 164 – ground floor, Skempton Building; Overflow room: LT 201 – first floor, Skempton Building
The event will be divided into 2 sessions with a 30 minute coffee break between sessions.
Session 1
Interpretation of CPT results: insights from experimental research
Prof. Rodrigo Salgado, Purdue University, USA
Application of CPT in the reliability-based assessment of dykes and embankments
Prof. Michael Hicks, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Calibrating design parameters for problem soils from medium-scale field tests
Prof. Richard Jardine, Imperial College London, UK
Session 2
Ground characterisation for the development of nuclear sites
Dr. Iain Tromans, Jacobs, UK
Characterisation of serviceability and stability parameters for infrastructure slopes in stiff plastic clays
Dr. Nebojša Kovačević, Geotechnical Consulting Group, UK
Advanced constitutive models for sands: calibration, pitfalls and application to the design of offshore monopiles
Dr. David Taborda, Imperial College London, UK
For further details, please download the flyer here.
There is no need to register in advance for this event.
The British Geotechnical Association
13:00 - 16:30
Imperial College London
BGA Conferences and Seminars
The British Geotechnical Association is grateful for the support of Corporate Members, and the organisations that the BGA Executive Committee members belong to.
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